Friday 17 June 2011

Missed Me, I did!

I am somewhat of a slow burner, I think it is because I try to do so much I end up running around like a headless chicken. For years I have said to myself I should try & get into magazines but I never quite got round to it. I would put it of till I had more time in January (& because I don't like rejection) & every year the month would come & go without me doing all the little jobs I had stored in my head.
But this year I actually got round to it. I send off emails & pictures to about five different home magazines & to my surprise I actually got a reply from Period Homes & Interiors. They said they would put me in the May or June issue. So I got on with life, then in May I went to the newsagent to see if we were in, & we were not. So I waited till June & made the trip to the shop all excited thinking it is going to be in this time, but it was not! I ended up ringing the magazine to see what had happened, their reply was that I had appeared in the May issue, which of course had come out in April so I had missed it! Typical I missed out on telling all the mums at the school gate & hovering about in the newsagents so I could exclaim loudly to everyone who would listen that I had some of my work in a magazine. Oh well there is always the doctors or dentists surgery, it is bound to turn up in some of the old magazines piles somewhere. So next time you have an appointment keep an eye out!