Tuesday 9 August 2011

Take the dog for a walk.


I don't take the dog for a walk as often as I should as I am always working, but one sunny evening it was her lucky night & we set off down the river. For once I did remember to take my camera & I ended up down the river for hours taking photos of flowers & creeping up on Butterflys & Bees, which is not easy when you have a dog running around like a mad thing. I managed to capture a photo of this butterfly which I had never seen before. On returning home I discovered it was a Ringlet Butterfly which is more common in southern England so it was my lucky night too. Especially as it inspired me to do this new design which I really love.

We love to try out new things.

Bird Air Freshener

I have not wrote here for a while as we have been so busy going to flower shows (& because I can never remember my passwords to get into this site & I always wonder if anybody actually reads my ramblings).
We have been trying out some new items like this Bird Air Freshener. The heart hanging below the bird is not glazed so Fragrance Oil can be soaked into the heart to give off a lovely smell for days. I love thinking of things which have a use as well as looking nice.

Plant Pots or Planters?

We have also been trying out plant pots & planters on the stall, so far the plant pots seem to sell better than the planters but that can change from show to show.  We are never sure which shape we like best so we end up making both & having even more things to carry around. But it is good to have something which appeals to the customers at the flower shows we are attending, but I do think some jugs can look just as lovely used as a planter too.